Sunday 28 March 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

My target audience changed over the time of me producing my film. At first I thought I would make it for class C & B people. These are people who are working within an industry but on a low to average salary. I also marketed my product at first at male and female target audience but after I changed my genre to romance my target audience changed more too female. As the male audience is less likely going to watch a romance film.

Throughout producing both the ancillary and main production I have been given feedback from my target audience to make sure I am on track so that it appeals to them and not me. As romance is not my favourite genre I found it hard to make sure that the poster has all the standard conventions. When conducting my feedback I made sure I asked a wide variety of people but as it is mainly aimed at girls I made sure that I had more girls in my test audience than boys. Most of my audience feedback was conducted with 5 girls and 3 boys. This is so I had a wide variety of feedback.

After I produced my film poster I held a audience feedback session which consisted of me handing out my poster to all the people who turned up. The comments were very varied, 6/7 really liked the idea of the posters going across the double page. When I got my feedback from my target audience about my poster they stated that the logos at the bottom don’t match up.

As you can see the logos are not in the same place on both sides of the paper. After I consulted my target audience I went back to the drawing board and made sure that I corrected all the changes they told me to do. This taught me that the audience are very detailed in what they like and what they don’t. When your target audience don’t like something they tell you which is good but I needed to be able to take constructive criticism and build my product around my target audience and not me.

I have also learned that my target audience of 16 – 35 year olds females can be very picky in what they like and if they like something one week their ideas can change within a few days. I found this out when I was audience testing my film magazine poster picture. I had a big picture across the top with it having my actor brushing her teeth in the mirror to represent mirror images. A handful of my target audience really thought the image was good when I asked them to view my work but when I got them together about my titles about two days later they decided that they didn’t like the picture any more so it meant that I had to reshot my photos due to the fact that my target audience didn’t think it was a good image that worked well with the title. Having good mise-en-scene when making a film means that the audience are able to identity with what is being shown. In any amateur film lighting is a key issue; lighting can make or break a film. With my stages of editing I made sure that every minute I would make sure that some of my target audience looked at it to make sure that the lighting was correct for the different scenes. As my target audience suggested that the film should be in different colour so that they can understand the mood of the different film.
As you can see the colour is a lot darker in the right hand screen. I did this due to the feedback I received.

After getting feedback about the lighting in my film within the editing suite I added spotlights so that it lightens the screens, this was so that there was higher key lighting with in scene. When getting feedback from my target audience I always thought over what they said as I am not within my target audience so I could be doing something which they do not want and trying to pass it off as something which it is not. When making or constructing any piece of work I had to ask myself what my target audience would say. This helped me understand what I needed to do.

When making my film I had to make up a name of my brand, I found this very hard as my title had to be original yet get the narrative across. I had many different titles which I could have used. I couldn’t decide so I thought it would be best to ask my target audience what they thought. I handed my questionnaire with a little pitch to describe my narrative. When I gathered my feedback the results favoured Duality which was my preferable title so I picked this as my brand name.

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